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The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin


Ashwaubenon WNAXLP VILLAGE OF ASHWAUBENON VILLAGE HALL-2155 HOLMGREN WAY VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES-August 27, 2024 Call to Order: The Village Board meeting was called to order by President Kardoskee at 6:00 p.m. President Kardoskee noted Village Manager, Joel Gregozeski will be acting as recording secretary in the absence of the Village Clerk. Roll Call: President Kardoskee, Trustees Paul, Servais, Zirbel, Flucke, Krueger. Excused: Atkinson Also Present - Patrick Leigl (Village Attorney), Joel Gregozeski (Village Manager), Brian Uhl (Chief of Public Safety), Brian Rickert (Director of Public Works), Greg Wenholz (Finance Director), Aaron Schuette (Community Development Director), and Rex Mehlberg (Parks, Recreation & Forestry Director). Members of the public - Jianjun Kan, Mac Cisar, Andy Szymanski, Lisa Szymanski, Beth Clausen, Tom Sigmund, Dan Weber, Kimm Weber, Julie Baranek, David Herrera, Don Chilson, Mike Szkodzinski, Jennifer Watermolen, Brenda Mondolla-Buckley, J.E. Hunt, J.L. Hunt, Scott Hunt. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Action on Agenda: Motion (Krueger, Servais) to Approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Action on Minutes: a. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Open and Closed Session Minutes from July 23, 2024. Motion (Servais, Paul) to Approve the open and closed session Minutes from the July 23, 2024 Village Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Action on Minutes: a. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Open and Closed Session Minutes from July 23, 2024. Motion (Servais, Paul) to Approve the open and closed session Minutes from the July 23, 2024 Village Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Comments from Public: No individual spoke during the Public Comment forum. Written Communications, Announcements, and/or Presentations: a. Presentation on NEW Water Updates, Draft Budget, and Rate Increases. Representatives, Tim Sigmund and Beth Clausen from NEW Water provided a presentation on capital improvement projects and planned rate increases for sanitary sewerage treatment from the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District. Action on Consent Agenda: Motion (Paul, Krueger) to Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. a. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Financial Reports. b. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Investment Report. c. Receive/Accept: June 2024 Budgeted Expenditures Report. d. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Temporary Alcohol License Extension for PMI for the Great Lakes & Heavy Equipment Expo. e. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Class "B" Beer/"Class B" Liquor License Request for J&K Brothers, LLC dba Mandarin Garden. f. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Permanent Premise Change for Oneida Casino-Main dba Oneida Casino. g. Receive/Accept: August 2024 Public Works Department Monthly Report. Public Hearings: a. Public Hearing Regarding Ordinance #O8-1-24 Regulating Video Boards Within Parts of the SE-Sports & Entertainment and P-Public Use Zoning Districts: Village Manager Joel Gregozeski stated Village staff prepared a draft ordinance amendment to 17-3-200 Definitions and 17-2-200 Site Plan Review to provide for the regulation and permitting of video boards within parts of the SE-Sports & Entertainment and P-Public Use zoning districts. The ordinance was drafted based upon requests from stadium area business owners to permit outdoor video boards for purposes of live event viewing at their respective businesses while trying to balance the public goal of minimizing distractions to vehicle drivers. The ordinance as written would only permit video boards to be powered on and viewable from streets that are closed to vehicular traffic. Video board installation requests would require discretionary review and action by the Site Plan Review Committee, Planning Commission, and Village Board. Andy Szymanski (1992 Holmgren Way) - Spoke in favor of the ordinance. Motion (Krueger, Flucke) to Close Public Hearing regarding Ordinance #08-1-24. Motion carried unanimously. b. Public Hearing Regarding Final Resolution #R8-1-24 Vacating Business Centre Court. Village Attorney, Patrick Leigl noted Multipond America, Inc. has purchased the three parcels (VA-862, VA-863, VA-864-1) previously owned by the Ashwaubenon Community Development Authority (CDA) on Packerland Drive. As part of the purchase agreement, the Village is to formally vacate Business Centre Court. Business Centre Court is a platted, but never constructed, cul-de-sac that was to provide access to the three lots, should they have been sold separately. The public hearing is a necessary step in the statutory process to vacate a platted right-of-way. No individuals spoke on Resolution R8-1-2024. Motion (Flucke, Servais) to Close Public Hearing regarding final Resolution #R8-1-24 Vacating Business Centre Court. Motion carried unanimously. Action Items: a. Consider/Discuss/Act on Ordinance #O8-1-24 Regulating Video Boards Within Parts of the SE-Sports & Entertainment and P-Public Use Zoning Districts: The Village Board deliberated over the proposed ordinance regulating Video Boards within parts of the SE-Sports & Entertainment and P-Public Use Zoning Districts. Trustee Servais asked how many dates video board would be allowed to operate given the streets must be closed for their operation. Village Manager, Gregozeski estimated the number of times the video boards would be allowed is between 10-15 dates annually. Trustee Servais asked why this item was unanimously denied at both Site Plan Review Committee and Planning Commission. President Kardoskee expressed her concern regarding the unapproved video board at 1992 Holmgren Way and its proximity to the road and the video display facing oncoming traffic. Village Attorney, Leigl concurred with President Kardoskees assessment. Leigl noted the Site Plan Review Committee, Plan Commission and Village Board would retain discretion on approving such video boards as part of the site plan process. Trustee Krueger expressed his concerns for safety. Krueger further expressed concern regarding fairness after approving one vs. another. Trustee Flucke expressed concerns for the safety of all users of Holmgren Way, including bicyclists and pedestrians, stating the video board added further distractions. Flucke stated the unapproved video board at 1992 Holmgren Way is too close to the road and is a distraction to not only users of Holmgren Way but potentially cross streets nearby. Trustee Paul stated the street is required to be closed for the video board to be operational, stating it is not hurting anyone. Trustee Flucke stated she would be concerned by cross streets which are still open. Trustee Zirbel stated the Site Plan Committee and Plan Commission denied the proposal and the Board should respect their decision. Motion (Flucke, Zirbel) to Deny Ordinance #O8-1-24 regulating video boards within parts of the SE-Sports & Entertainment and P-Public Use zoning districts. Motion Passed with Trustee Servais and Trustee Paul voting no. b. Consider/Discuss/Act on Final Resolution #R8-1-24 Vacating Business Centre Court: Motion (Paul, Krueger) to Approve Final Resolution #R8-1-24 vacating Business Centre Court. Motion carried unanimously. c. Consider/Discuss/Act on a PRELIMINARY Planned Unit Development (PUD) Request for a Multi-Use Senior Residential Development at 460 Marina Lane, Parcel VA-132-13: Alliance Construction & Design, as applicant for owner BayMar Holdings LLC, has requested preliminary planned unit development (PUD) review for a proposed multi-use residential development including a memory care community based residential facility (CBRF), townhomes, and senior living apartment building at 460 Marina Lane, Parcel VA-132-13. It should be noted that this property has a closed environmental case on file with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR), and all development will be performed in accordance with WDNR rules and regulations. As this is a preliminary PUD request, detailed engineering, utilities, parking, stormwater management, lighting, and landscaping plans will be submitted with the final PUD. A formal PUD ordinance will be prepared with the final PUD. The subject property is currently vacant and zoned B-3 Community Business. Adjacent uses and zoning include the Residence Inn hotel (B-3) immediately adjacent to the development, the O.C. restaurant (B-3 with PUD) and Riverway Marina (B-3 with PUD) to the south, National Railroad Museum (P-Public Use) to the north, and Packer Fastener (I-1 Heavy Industry) to the west. An existing stormwater pond and Fox River is to the east of the development. The requested PUD overlay on the subject property would allow for the development of the townhomes and senior living apartment building in addition to the CBRF, which is a permitted use within the underlying B-3 zoning district. A public trail easement currently exists along the west side of the stormwater pond as a future Ashwaubomay River Trail extension to the north. A map with the adjacent zoning is included for reference. Driveway access to the development is to be from Marina Lane and South Broadway. As South Broadway is a Brown County Highway, a driveway access permit and boulevard alteration will need to be approved by the Brown County Highway Department. The six-unit attached townhomes and 30,760 square foot, (approximately) 44-unit CBRF will both be single-story buildings. The 5-story, 249,375 square foot, 120-unit senior apartment building will be approximately 56 feet in height, which is below the maximum 120 feet allowable within this area of the Village; however, under Brown County code, any building located within Airport Zone "C" and greater than 50 feet in height is required to obtain a height permit from the Green Bay - Austin Straubel International Airport Director. Additional amenities proposed for the development include drive-in, covered first floor parking for the senior apartment building, a pool, and grilling/patio station. Exterior materials for the CBRF will include a mixture of stone veneer, brick, vertical board and batten siding, and asphalt shingle roof. An exterior courtyard will face the north and will include 7' high aluminum fencing for security. Condensing units will be located within the courtyard space and a mechanical unit mounted on the roof. Under 17-2-200(C)(1)(k) Ashwaubenon Municipal Code, any ground or roof-mounted mechanical units visible from a street right-of-way or property boundary will need to be screened. The six-unit attached townhome building will also include stone veneer, brick, vertical board and batten siding, and asphalt shingle roof. Each condensing unit outside the townhome will be screened with a 4' high cedar fence. The senior apartment building exterior materials will generally consist of horizontal wave metal wall panels on upper floors and concrete masonry unit (CMU) on the first floor and accent upper floors. All apartment units on floors 2-5 will have walkout porches. Under 17-2-200(C)(1)(e&f) Ashwaubenon Municipal Code, all metal wall panels are to utilize fully concealed fasteners. The preliminary PUD was recommended for approval with staff conditions by both the Ashwaubenon Site Plan Review Committee and Planning Commission on 6-0 votes at their respective meetings on August 7, 2024. The Planned Unit Development review objectives found in Section 17-3-500(B)(6) of the Ashwaubenon Municipal Code will be addressed at the time of the Final Planned Unit Development submittal. A formal public hearing will also be held prior to Village Board action on the Final Planned Unit Development ordinance. Trustee Flucke encouraged the developers to plan their site recognizing seniors are some of the most vulnerable people and certain accommodations should be made to ensure they have safe accessibility throughout the site. President Kardoskee expressed concerns regarding the CBRF facility and the proximity to water (Fox River). Motion (Paul, Krueger) to Approve a preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) request for a multi-use senior residential development at 460 Marina Lane, Parcel VA-132-13 with staff conditions. Motion carried unanimously. d. Consider/Discuss/Act on Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement Between the Village of Ashwaubenon and Cornerstone Community Center, Inc.: Parks, Recreation and Forestry Director, Rex Mehlberg provided an overview of the proposed second amendment to the lease agreement between Village of Ashwaubenon and Cornerstone Community Center, Inc. Mehlberg noted this item was recommend for approval by the Park Board. Trustee Zirbel noted the one dissenting vote from Park Board was related to the use of tennis courts. Trustee Krueger noted he spoke with the Ashwaubenon School District athletic director noting the district is not concerned with stacking matches at Pioneer. Krueger noted he felt grouping future courts would be better than having one court per site. Motion (Krueger, Flucke) to Approve the second amendment to the Lease Agreement between the Village of Ashwaubenon and Cornerstone Center, Inc. for the expansion of a fourth sheet of ice. Motion carried unanimously. e. Consider/Discuss/Act on Special Event Application for the Bellin Women's Half Marathon Road Closure: Motion (Flucke, Krueger) to Approve the Special Event Application for the Bellin Women's Half Marathon road closure. Motion carried unanimously. f. Consider/Discuss/Act on Appeal of Denied Operator's License - GW Taylor Jr.: GW Taylor Jr. failed to show to speak on their appeal. Motion (Paul, Zirbel) to Deny the appeal of denied Operator's License for GW Taylor Jr. Motion carried unanimously. g. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Producer Full-Service Retail Sales Application from Timekeeper Distillery. Village Attorney provided an overview of the Producer Full-Service Retail Sales Application from Timekeeper Distillery. Motion (Krueger, Flucke) to suspend the rules of order and open the floor for discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Kim and Dan Weber (3824 N 14th Street, Wausau, WI) of Timekeeper Distiller spoke on behalf of their application. The Applicants presented their proposed plan of operations to the Village Board. Motion (Flucke, Krueger) to close the floor and return to the regular rules of order. Motion carried unanimously. The Village Board deliberated on whether the application for Timekeeper Distiller met the requirements of Wisconsin State Statutes, Chapter 125. Motion (Krueger, Paul) to Table action on the request for approval of a Producer Full-Service Retail Sales Application (AB105) from Timekeeper Distillery. This item should go back to staff for further review and to come back with a recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. h. Consider/Discuss/Act on Approval of Potential "Bandshell" Concept in Klipstine Park. Parks, Recreation and Forestry Director, Rex Mehlberg, provided an overview of a conceptual plan to construct a band shell at Klipstine Park. Mehlberg noted an Ashwaubenon resident is looking to fundraise to develop the bandshell. Mehlberg requested the Board's consent in moving this effort forward with support from the Village of Ashwaubenon before he finalizes the fundraising efforts. Mehlberg provided conceptual locations and bandshell options. Motion (Flucke, Zirbel) to Affirm the Village of Ashwaubenon's support to develop a bandshell in Klipstine Park. Motion carried unanimously. i. Consider/Discuss: 2025 Budget and 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Finance Director, Wenholz provided an overview of where staff is in preparing the initial draft budget. He provided an overview of developing a draft 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. Wenholz indicated staff was directed to present a zero-based budget, meaning each department should hold and limit any increases from the prior fiscal year in an effort to find efficiencies. Village Manager, Gregozeski also indicated the staff were given several directives during the budget kick-off meeting. These directives include: The overall tax levy increase goal is to not exceed the value of net new construction. General fund balance from 2024 should be set aside to support 2025 NFL Draft expenditures. No new positions will be considered, unless a change in operation eliminates the need for a different position. Wage cost of living increases are projected at 2.9%. Medical benefit costs are also to be factored in the overall budget. Gregozeski also noted their are several potential rate increases to water, sewer and stormwater enterprise funds for 2025. Gregozeski indicated this 5-year capital improvement plan is being distributed for Village Board review, understanding the Board will be discussing in more detail at a future meeting. j. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Request to Pre-Authorize the Purchase of Vehicles for Public Safety. Public Safety Chief, Uhl requested authorization to purchase vehicles. The following vehicles were requested: Three (3) 2025 Ford Explorer Police Interceptor marked patrol squad. Est. $77,000 total with equipment; One (1) 2025 Ford Transit van marked evidence technician vehicle. Est. $65,000 total with equipment, and one (1) 2025 Ford Ranger or similar style marked CSO vehicle. Est. $60,000 total with equipment. Motion (Flucke, Krueger) to Authorize the purchase of vehicles for public safety as presented. Motion carried unanimously. k. Consider/Discuss/Act on the Reallocation of Water Utility Funds for the Design of a Monotower in place of Babcock Standpipe. Public Works Director, Rickert noted The 2024 Capital Improvement Plan had the design/permitting/bidding for the removal of the water standpipe located at the intersection of Carole and Babcock. After digging into this project further it was determined that there are several cellular antennas on this standpipe that have existing lease agreements. The revenue generated from the three providers is approximately $84,000 annually for the Babcock site. The annual operating revenue of approximately $84,000 under our current lease terms provides critical operating revenue for the utility. Rickert noted there are three providers on the standpipe, they include: US Cellular, T-Mobile, and Verizon. The lease agreements are auto-renewed on five-year increments, the earliest renewal comes in 2027. Based on this the Utility Department and Administration discussed what would be the best action to move forward. It was recommended that a monotower could be placed on the property to ensure the revenue is still collected. The approximate cost of the monopole is $200,000 to $250,000 therefore the cost of the tower and the engineering would be recovered in three years. Upon staff's analysis, the following options were considered: 1.Repair the existing standpipe and reuse as a cellular tower (The standpipe is not connected to the municipal water system and serves no purpose other than as an elevated tower for cellular antenna). The estimated repair of the standpipe is between $600-700K. This option was not recommended. 2. Terminate the leases, remove the standpipe and sell the lot for a single family home. This will result in lost 254 operating revenue of between $84,000-$110,000 to the utility. Estimated costs to removed the standpipe are approximately $60,000. Sewer and water laterals would need to be extended at an estimated cost of up to $10,000. The resale on the lot could be approximately $75,000. This option was not recommended. 3. Remove the existing standpipe at a cost of $60,000. Replace with new monotower at an estimated cost of $245,000. The cellular leases would remain and generate between $84,000-$110,000 per year. The return on investment would take approximately 3 years. This option was recommended. 4.Remove the existing standpipe at a cost of $60,000. Negotiate a long term land lease (50 plus years) to a third party for the installation of a monotower. A one time, Lump sum payout of an estimated $400-500k. This option was not recommended. Motion (Krueger, Servais) to Approve the reallocation of water utility funds for the design of a monotower in place of the Babcock standpipe. Motion carried unanimously. Items for Next Agenda: The Timekeeper Distiller AB105 Application was noted. Closed Session Items: During the meeting, the Village Board of the Village of Ashwaubenon may convene into Closed Session pursuant to: a. Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85 (1) (c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the Village Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. b. Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85 (1) (g) for conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved regarding Tufco Industries. Motion (Flucke, Krueger) to Convene Into Closed Session at 8:50 p.m. Roll call taken. Motion carried unanimously. Reconvene into Open Session: The Village Board may thereafter reconvene in open session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Section 19.85(2) to report the results of the closed session and consider the balance of the Agenda. 12a. or 12b. No report out on this item. Motion (Krueger, Servais) to Reconvene into Open Session at 9:29 p.m. Roll call taken. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn: Motion (Paul, Servais) to Adjourn at 9:29 p.m. Motion Passed. Publish 09.27.24 WNAXLP
BOARD OF EDUCATION CLINTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN 54929 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF EDUCATION September 9, 2024 A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Clintonville Public School District was called to order on September 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the High School IMC by President Ben Huber. Members Present: Ben Huber, Kris Strauman, Laurie Vollrath, Jason Moder, Mark Zachow, Glen Drew Lundt, and Klint Barkow. Administration Present: Troy Kuhn and Britney Dobratz Others Present: Michael Engel and Barb Ebert OPEN MEETING STATEMENT: This September 9, 2024 meeting of the Clintonville Board of Education and all other meetings of the board are open to the public in compliance with state statute. Notice of the meeting has been sent to the media, and has been publicly posted, in an attempt to make the citizens of the district aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting. Upon request to the District Administrator, submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to attend this meeting. APPROVE AGENDA: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the agenda as written. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Laurie Vollrath seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 26, 2024. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ COMMUNICATIONS: Michael Engel addressed the Board of Education regarding the school district forest property. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Superintendent’s Report: Troy Kuhn presented District updates to the Board of Education. Support Staff Transfers a. Connie Ullery – Transfer from a part-time High School Para to a full-time High School Para, effective August 19, 2024. b. Doug Giannetto – Transfer from an Elementary School Para to a High School Para, effective August 19, 2024. Support Staff Hires a. Alejandra Schultz – Elementary School Special Education Para – effective September 3, 2024. b. Thayer Fietsch – Custodian II (Rec Center, Child Care Center, and Elementary School), effective September 9, 2024. c. Tracy Strey – Custodian II – Elementary School, effective September 6, 2024 Support Staff Resignation – Child Care Center a. Savanna Parker – effective August 30, 2024 Extra-curricular Transfer a. Turner Doornink – from 8th Grade to 7th Grade Boys Basketball - effective immediately. Extra-curricular Hires a. Al Soldner – 8th Grade Boys Basketball – effective immediately b. Dana Moehring – 7th Grade Volleyball – effective immediately Recognition: Creative Converting Donation: The administration informed the Board of Education regarding a donation of school supplies from Creative Converting. Hope Community Church Donation: The administration informed the Board of Education regarding a donation received from the Hope Community Church in the amount of $2,000 to be used towards the auditorium sound upgrade. School Board Member Recognition : The administration recognized Laurie Vollrath for achieving Level 2, and Glen Drew Lundt for achieving Level 1 in the Wisconsin Association of School Boards Member Recognition Program, which recognizes board members for their efforts in leadership and board development. Personnel: (The Board may choose to go into Executive Session per section 19.85(1)(c) of Wisconsin Statues to discuss a personnel issue, and then return to open session to take action) Teacher Hires: No action taken. Teacher Overloads: Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the following teacher overloads, effective with the 2024-2025 school year: a. Stacey Conradt – 1 class, 1st and 2nd semesters b. Kristine Heyer – 1 class, 1st and 2nd semesters c. Catherine Haase – 1 class, 1st semester d. Michelle Krueger – 1 class, 1st and 2nd semesters e. Jim Nighbor – 1 class, 1st and 2nd semesters f. Heather Long – 1 class, 1st and 2nd semesters g. Danielle Ellerbrock – 1 class, 2nd semester Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Trucker University Agreement : Moved by Kris Strauman, seconded by Mark Zachow to approve a Trucker University Agreement with Barb Ebert, effective for the 2024-2025 school year. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Other: Food Service Milk Bid: The administration updated the Board of Education on the Food Service milk bid for the 2024-2025 school year. POLICY Second Reading of Revisions to Policies: Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Kris Strauman to approve the updated additional name changes within the following Policies to match current employees: Policy #1422 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy #1662 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #2260 – Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #2260.01 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability Policy #2266 – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs of Activities Policy #3122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #3362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy #4362 – Employee Anti-Harassment Policy #5517 – Student Anti-Harassment Policy #8913 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. Second Reading of Revisions to Policy #2260.01: Moved by Kris Strauman seconded by Laurie Vollrath to approve the name change for District Title IX Coordinator and District Director of Pupil Services from Megan Murphy to Alexis Retzlaff for Policy #2260.01 – Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. First Reading for Adoption of 33.2 Technical Corrections : Moved by Laurie Vollrath, seconded by Glen Drew Lundt to approve a first reading to adopt 33.2 Technical Corrections (The District Administrator is authorized to review and make technical corrections to policies that have already been adopted through normal rulemaking procedures. These are corrections to policy language or construction that do not reflect policy decision or substantive consideration by the Board, such as correction of a typographical or grammatical error inclusion or correction of a statutory citation, renumbering of selections, combining of policies, or similar actions). Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE STRATEGIC DISCUSSION Land Use ANNOUNCEMENTS September 11 Policy Committee Meeting 9:00 a.m. District Office September 23 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC September 25 Land Use Committee Meeting 6:00 p.m. TBD Sept 30 – Oct. 5 Homecoming Week October 7 No School – Teacher In-Service October 14 Board of Education Meeting 4:45 p.m. CHS IMC October 17 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 p.m. ES/MS/HS October 18 No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00 a.m. ES/MS/HS October 28 Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting 6:00 p.m. CHS IMC (Regular Board of Education Meeting to follow) CHS IMC ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Mark Zachow, seconded by Laurie Vollrath to adjourn. Ayes and nays called, all voting aye. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Laurie Vollrath, Board Clerk Publish Oct. 3, 2024 WNAXLP
CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Campbellsport Middle-High School Media Center, Room 70 September 9, 2024 7:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:32 p.m. Meeting was held in the Campbellsport Middle-High School Media Center, Room 70. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Sharon Gazzola, Maureen Koch, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, and Keith Peters. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Shelley Eilbes and Sally Kellman 3. Also Present: Travis Evenson and Mike Hinderman with Kraus-Anderson; Debra Gudex 4. Public Comment: None 5. Announcements/ Recognitions a. WASB member recognition program certificates were awarded to Mike Weiss level 5, Maureen Koch and Sharon Gazzola level 1 6. Presentations: a. Kraus-Anderson Facility Study and Condition Findings i. Travis commended Matt and his team on the cleanliness and care of the buildings as well as the equipment maintenance that is being done while staying within his budget. ii. Kraus-Anderson presented their findings from the facility study. There are $19.1M of deferred maintenance needs over the next 10 years ($3.8M at EES; $5.4M at CES and $9.9M at the MS/HS) b. Dr. Kellman presented the Seclusion and Restraint 2024 annual report 7. Approval of meeting minutes a. August 19, 2024 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to approve the August 19, 2024 Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried 7-0-0. 8. Reports: a. District Administrator Updates i. Kraus-Anderson will be sending out facility surveys to all staff on September 16, 2024 ii. Mr. Wissink will be sharing a link with each Board member to take the WASB Annual Board Development Tool survey. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, September 18, 2024. iii. WASB Fall Regional Meeting is September 24, 2024 in Kiel iv. WASB representative Patti Vickman is confirmed for October 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. to provide training on the new superintendent online evaluation system b. Board Committee Updates i. Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; plan next meeting for October/November 2024 ii. Facilities – last met July 29, 2024 (joint meeting with Finance); next meeting is September 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Eden Elementary Library with Kraus-Anderson iii. Finance – last met July 29, 2024 (joint meeting with Facilities); next meeting is September 25, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room iv. Personnel – last met August 12, 2024 v. Policy – last met July 2, 2024; next meeting is TBD vi. Safety and Transportation – last met July 22, 2024; next meeting is TBD 9. Unfinished Business: A draft version of the Crossing Guards contract with the Village of Campbellsport was presented for review. After discussion, modifications were made to the contract. Motion by Maureen Koch, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the crossing guard contract with the Village of Campbellsport with the modifications discussed. Motion carried 7-0-0. 10. New Business: a. Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: i. Resignations/retirements - none ii. Hires MS Special Education Paraprofessional Nevada Wisse starting Friday, September 13, 2024; Alexa Kuhn 7th grade girls basketball coach. iii. FFA National Convention October 22, 2024 to October 25, 2024 in Indianapolis, IN. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jim Ninnemann to approve the FFA National Convention. Motion carried 7-0-0 iv. Connect/IAM FFA Leadership Conference November 15, 2024 to November 16, 2024 in Stevens Point, WI. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the Connect/IAM FFA Leadership Conference. Motion carried 7-0-0. v. Half-Time FFA Leadership Conference January 17, 2025 to January 18, 2025 in Stevens Point, WI. Motion by Keith Peters, seconded by Mike Weiss to approve the Half-Time FFA Leadership Conference. Motion carried 7-0-0. vi. Kathee and Alan Dirmeier donation to purchase equipment, incentives, décor and/or posters for 6th grade ($200); 7th grade ($200); 8th grade ($200) and weight room – new equipment ($200). Motion by Keith Peters, seconded by Sharon Gazzola to approve the donation from Kathee and Alan Dirmeier in the amount of $800.00. Motion carried 7-0-0 11. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: a. Board Member Requests for Information – i. Kraus-Anderson cost per square foot for operating each of the three (3) facilities (MW) 12. Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 9:00 p.m. Motion by Keith Peters, seconded by Jessica Strand. Motion carried 7-0-0. a. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: i. August 19, 2024 Board meeting 13. The Board reconvened into open session at 9:05 p.m. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Jessica Strand. Motion carried 7-0-0. 14. Motion to Adjourn by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch at 9:06 p.m. Motion carried 7-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk 10/3 WNAXLP
CITY OF MANAWA COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 19, 2024 6:00 pm Proceedings of the Manawa Common Council meeting held Monday, August 19, 2024. Called to order at 6:00 PM by Mayor Frazier pursuant to open meeting regulations, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call. Alderpersons present on roll call: Alice Brown, Jim Roenz, Mark Lehrer, Ann Bonikowske, Mary Eck, Mayor Mike Frazier. Absent: Aaron Timm. City Employees: Josh Smith, Jason Severson, Logan Hass. Audience: Jason Dillinger, Rod Krueger, Emily Connor. Moved Brown/Bonikowske to approve the agenda of August 19, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Brown to approve the council meeting minutes of July 22, 2024. Carried. Moved Eck/Brown to approve of the Bills of Allowance $1,028,588.04. Carried. Finance: Park and Dam funds: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to open up two separate fund accounts for park and dam. Carried. Dam: Moved Eck/Roenz to create a dam committee. Carried. Line of Credit: Moved Eck/Roenz to increase line of credit from $250,000 to $500,000. Carried. Change order for road construction: Moved Eck/ Bonikowske to accept change order #1 for road construction in the amount of $13,633.73. Carried. Improvements: Veterans Park rental for fundraiser: Moved Bonikowske/Eck to not charge Zion Lutheran Church a rental fee for Veterans Park for fundraiser for the park and dam. Carried. Protection: Chickens: Moved Roenz/Brown to allow chickens in residential areas. Vote: 5 yes and 0 no. Carried. Mayor: Mayor Frazier said that the 150th Celebration went really well. People said that they would like to see street dances and music on Triangle Park more often. 150th Committee will be donating benches to Triangle Park. Mayor Frazier recognized Jason Severson 2 years and Kelly Ramstack 3 years of service to the City. DPW: Josh went over his report. Had a water main break on Center Street. Valley Environmental has been in the park for 4 days cleaning. Have been receiving complaints about the concrete contractor and not following the timeline for completing aprons. Will be working on storm inlets. Lift Station project continues to progress. Soon asphalt will be paved at Veterans Park. Police: Police Chief Jason Severson went over his report. Waupaca County Emergency Management will be coordinating a review of the flooding incident. Manawa Night Out went well. Officer Wesoloski did Ride the Lights in July. Went to Meet the Fleet in Iola. No reported incidents happened during the 150th Celebration. All officers went to the Lights of Christmas Fundraiser at Culver’s in Clintonville. The department is doing the, You’ve Been Caught Doing Good, again. Officer Schaefer is progressing through his training. Fire: Chief Josh Smith went over his report. UTV Raffle Drawing is on August 28th. Received the WE Energies Grant for $2,000. Will be helping with watering for the High School Rodeo on the second weekend in September. Had crew on standby for the Symco Weekender. Yearly fit testing and physicals will be Thursday. Attended Meet the Fleet in Iola. Currently at 93 calls for the year. Library: Board rep Alice said the Library had lots of summer programs. Clerk: Financial Report: General Fund balance – $164,060.00; Government Pool – $3,296,905.72; Licenses: Moved Eck/Bonikowske to approve operator’s licenses for Nolan Hoyord, Sandra Wilz, Lamon Robinson. Carried. New Business: Protection and Welfare Committee to meet on Monday September 16 at 5:00 pm to discuss chicken, bicycle and parking ordinances. Moved Brown/Roenz to adjourn at 7:006 pm. Carried. Logan Hass, City Clerk Publish Sept. 26, 2024 WNAXLP
CITY OF STEVENS POINT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 19, 2024 7:00 PM Community Room 933 Michigan Avenue, Stevens Point, WI OR Zoom Teleconferencing 1. Roll Call. Present: Ald. Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. 2. Salute to the Flag and Mayor's opening remarks. 3. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council on specific agenda items other than a “Public Hearing” must register their request at this time. Those who wish to address the Common Council during a “Public Hearing” are not required to identify themselves until the “Public Hearing” is declared open by the Mayor. 4. Persons who wish to address the Mayor and Council for up to three (3) minutes regarding a non-agenda item. 5. Presentation to the Mayor and Council: Michelle Gullickson and Dave Barbier: UWSP Office of Sustainability - UWSP’s Climate Action and Resilience Planning. Consideration and Possible Action on the Following: 6. Consent Agenda: a. Minutes of the Common Council Meeting of July 15, 2024. b. Actions of the Police and Fire Commission meeting of August 6, 2024: 3. Approval of Minutes. 4. Confirmation of Bills. 5. Discussion, with possible action, on approval of Police Department capital budget requests for 2025: 1. Handheld portable radios. 2. Infrastructure/Tower for east side reception (tac channel). 3. Squad radios. 7. Discussion, with possible action, to approve an Intern from UWSP to assist with fire department needs effective Fall Semester of 2024. 9. Discussion, with possible action, to approve carrying over 188 hours of vacation for Chief Moody from last year and to be used by August 16, 2026. 10. Discussion, with possible action, to approve the Fire Department capital budget for 2025. 11. Discussion, with possible action, to approve the possibility of out-of-state travel for Fire Department members in 2025. c. Actions of the Park Commission meeting of August 7, 2024: 3. Proposal to fund and install public communication boards at Iverson, Pfiffner and Mead Parks by Midstate Independent Living Choices. 4. Approval of lease renewal with Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council for the neighborhood garden located at 300 Franklin Street. 5. Director's Report. d. Minutes and Actions of the Plan Commission meeting of August 5, 2024: 2. Report of the July 1, 2024 meeting of the City Plan Commission. 5. A request from Brett Gerber, representing Pointer Plaza, LLC, for a site plan review to construct a multiple-unit apartment building on the property located at 1800 Maria Drive (Parcel ID 281240829140022), consistent with Ch. 23.02(2)(f)(5)(b) & Ch. 23.02(4)(b)(1)(2). 6. A request from the City of Stevens Point to acquire the property located at 2517 Prais Street (Parcel ID 281240828301611). 7. Discussion on Eastside and Southeast neighborhood plans. 8. February-June 2024 Monthly Reports. 9. Director's Report. e. Actions of the Board of Water and Sewerage Commissioners meeting of August 12, 2024: 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Approval of Department Claims. 4. 2023 Audit Presentation by Baker Tilly. 6. Expenses related to pump repair for Well 11. 8. SCADA computer replacement. 9. Architectural services for an addition to the utility administration. f. Actions of the Airport Commission meeting of August 12, 2024: 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Approval of Department Claims. 4. 2023 Audit Presentation by Baker Tilly. g. Actions of the Transportation Commission of August 13, 2024: 2. Approval of the June 2024 Minutes. 3. Approval of the June and July Financial/Claims Reports. 4. Approval to Apply for 2025 5310 Grants (Operating, Mobility Management, and Vehicle Grants). 5. Discussion and Approval of Fixed Route Changes. h. Minutes and Actions of the Personnel Committee meeting of August 12, 2024: 2. Requests for known 2025 out of state travel. 4. Director Kernosky requests to move the Permit Technician to permanent full-time. i. Minutes and Actions of the Board of Public Works meeting of August 12, 2024: 4. To consider a request from WisDOT and OCR to eliminate the Park Street railroad crossing. j. Minutes and Actions of the Public Policy and General Government meeting of August 12, 2024: 2. License List. 3. Request to Hold Event/Street Closing. k. Minutes and Actions of the Finance Committee meeting of August 12, 2024: 3. Update on the 2025 operating budget, review of budget timelines, and establishing related guidelines. 4. Approval of targets for the 2024 tax year/2025 payable tax levy. 6. Approval of proposal from Ehlers Inc. for a project plan amendment for Tax Incremental Financing District (TID) 9, to allow increment sharing with TIDs 10, 11, and 12. 7. Approval of the acquisition of 2517 Prais Street bordering Goerke Park. 8. Approval of Claims Paid. l. Statutory Monthly Financial Report by Comptroller/Treasurer. m. Mayoral Appointments. -Zoning Board of Appeals: Stephen Klein, filling the unexpired term of Gracia Day, expiring April 30, 2027. -Zoning Board of Appeals: Tom Schrader, for a three-year term expiring April 30, 2027. -Bicycle-Pedestrian Street Safety Commission: Tom Baldischwiler, for a three-year term expiring April 30, 2027. -Supplemental Poll Workers. Ald. Christianson moved, Ald. Morrow seconded, to approve the consent agenda. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 7. Resolution - A request from Zach Brocken, representing North Reserve Property Group, LLC, for a conditional use permit to construct more than one duplex on an unaddressed parcel bounded by Reserve Street North (Parcel ID 281240820140150), consistent with Ch. 23.01(14)(f) & Ch. 23.02(2)(a)(3)(d). Ald. Morrow moved, Ald. Shuda seconded, to approve the request. Call for the vote: Ayes: Morrow, Buse, Lang, Shuda, Kneebone, Steinmetz, Birr, Broderick, Keymer, Guthrie, Christianson. Nays: None. Motion carried. 8. Ordinance Amendment - A request from the City of Stevens Point to amend the Official Street Map of the City of Stevens Point. Said request establishes Evelyn Court, Joe Street, Leonard Street and Lost Creek Road within Lots 1-60 (Parcel ID 281240826400501- 281240826400562) of Forest Creek Subdivision. Ald. Kneebone moved, Ald. Birr seconded, to approve the request. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 9. Resolution - Authorization to apply for WEDC Idle Sites Redevelopment Grant for The Oaks Affordable Housing Project. Ald. Lang moved, Ald. Keymer seconded, to approve the authorization. Call for the vote: Ayes: Morrow, Buse, Lang, Shuda, Kneebone, Steinmetz, Birr, Broderick, Keymer, Guthrie, Christianson. Nays: None. Motion carried. 10. Request to Modify Limited Term Electrical Inspector's Salary. Ald. Birr moved, Ald. Lang seconded, to approve the request. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 11. Ordinance Amendment - To accept the amendments in Chapter 9, Section 9.05 as it relates to parking. Ald. Keymer moved, Ald. Lang seconded, to approve the ordinance. Call for the vote: Ayes: Morrow, Buse, Lang, Shuda, Kneebone, Steinmetz, Birr, Broderick, Keymer, Guthrie, Christianson. Nays: None. Motion carried. 12. To award the 2024 Pavement Maintenance Program Project #24-04 to Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC out of Plover for an amount not to exceed $281,744.25. Ald. Morrow moved, Ald. Christianson seconded, to approve. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 13. A resolution authorizing a referendum for the City of Stevens Point to hire additional fire department personnel. Ald. Christianson moved, Ald. Birr seconded, to approve. Call for the vote: Ayes: Morrow, Buse, Lang, Shuda, Kneebone, Steinmetz, Birr, Broderick, Keymer, Guthrie, Christianson. Nays: None. Motion carried. 14. Enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes19.85(1)(e) and 19.85 (1) (g) for deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, investing of public funds, or conducting other specified business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, AND for Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved, relating to the following: A. Negotiating the purchase of property in TID 10. Ald. Lang moved, Ald. Kneebone seconded, to enter into closed session at 7:44 pm. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 15. Reconvene to take action on negotiating the purchase of property in TID 10. Ald. Steinmetz moved, Ald. Shuda seconded, to reconvene at 8:15 p.m. Call for the vote: Ayes: Morrow, Buse, Lang, Shuda, Kneebone, Steinmetz, Birr, Broderick, Keymer, Guthrie, Christianson. Nays: None. Motion carried. Ald. Christianson moved, Ald. Guthrie seconded, to approve the purchase of 601 Main Street. Call for the vote: Ayes: Christianson, Guthrie, Keymer, Broderick, Birr, Steinmetz, Kneebone, Shuda, Lang, Buse, Morrow. Nays: None. Motion carried. 16. Adjournment. Adjourned at 8:16 p.m. WNAXLP
CITY OF WAUPACA ABRIDGED COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL (with the option to attend virtually via video / teleconferencing) TUESDAY AUGUST 20, 2024 6:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to regulations, the Common Council of the city of Waupaca met on the above date and time. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CLERK TO READ OPEN MEETING STATEMENT Barb Nowak, City Clerk stated this meeting and all meetings of the Common Council are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted and given to the Media, in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes so that the citizens may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting. 4. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Brian Smith, Alderpersons Collin Dykstra, Paul Hagen, Eric Halverson, Dmitri Martin, Paul Mayou, Cory Nagel, Eric Olson, Dave Peterson, Scott Purchatzke and Henry Veleker Absent: A quorum was declared. Also Present: Aaron Jenson, City Administrator, Barb Nowak, City Clerk, Mat Klatt, KlattAero, Eric Bailey, Library Director, Jarod Kivela, Community and Economic Development Director, Stephanie Reif, Finance Director, Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works, Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director, Chief Brian Hoelzel, Waupaca Police Department and Josh Werner, IT Community Media Director 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member or City staff so requests it, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the Regular Agenda. The items selected for the Consent Agenda are as follows: Regular and Special Meeting Minutes, Monthly Income Report for the Parks and Recreation Department, Airport Hangar Reports, Monthly Department Head Reports, Payrolls and Bills, Quarterly Weights and Measures Reports, Quarterly Room Tax Reports, Second Reading of Ordinances, if received a unanimous recommendation at the previous meeting, project invoices for projects previously approved by City Council, any low bid budgeted operating or capital expenditure under $25,000 approved by the appropriate Board or Committee and any expenditure of non-city funds that received a unanimous recommendation. A) MONTHLY REPORTS 1. Airport Manager’s Report 2. Library Director’s Report 3. Community and Economic Development Director’s Report 4. Finance Director’s Report 4. Director of Public Works Report 5. Parks & Recreation Department Report 6. Police Department Report 7. IT & Community Media Director Report 8. City Clerk’s Report 9. City Administrator’s Report B) PAY REQUESTS AND CHANGE ORDERS, INVOICES FOR PROJECTS/CONTRACTS HAVING PRIOR COUNCIL APPROVAL AND ANY OTHER INVOICES THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL: none C) MONTHLY/QUARTERLY/ANNUAL REPORTS: • Weights and Measures Quarterly Report – 2nd Quarter D) APPROVAL OF BILLS – CITY GENERAL, WATER, SEWER, AND SPECIAL FUNDS E) MEETING MINUTES: COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on July 16, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on August 1, 2024 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY BOARD • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on August 6, 2024 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on August 7, 2024 POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSION • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on August 13, 2024 WAUPACA HISTORICAL SOCIETY • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on May 9, 2024 • Minutes of a Regular Meeting on June 13, 2024 MOVED by Ald. Olson SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES of the Consent Agenda as presented. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 6. REGULAR AGENDA MOVED by Ald. Martin, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES of the Regular Agenda as printed. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. A. NON-AGENDA ITEMS: 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: - informational • Proclamation – National See Tracks? Think Train Week 2. PUBLIC INPUT -informational 3. COMMUNITY / DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORTS • Joe Drake is reporting on PodPaca for the Waupaca Area Arts and Culture Network (WACCN) • Department Head reports in council packet – no reporting at council B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE C. NEW BUSINESS: 1. License Report No. 1686 – “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License, MCarlson, LLC, 2181 S. Appletree Lane, Maison Carlson, Agent – Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1686 – “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License and Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License, MCarlson, LLC, 2181 S. Appletree Lane, Maison Carlson, Agent. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. 2. Halloween on Main Street Closures for Friday October 25, 2024 – Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director MOVED by Ald. Olson, SECONDED by Ald. Martin, Council APPROVES request to close Main Street and Water Street up to the intersection of Elm St/Division St/Mill St. Request to close Granite Street at the intersection of Washington St. The intersection of Division/Mill/Elm would still be open, for the Halloween on Main event, Friday October 25, 2024. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE 3. Halloween on Main Temporary Expanded Premise and Open Intoxicant Request for Friday October 25, 2024 –Laura Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director MOVED by Ald. Hagen, SECONDED by Ald. Veleker, Council APPROVES temporary expansion of premises and open intoxicant request for Friday October 25, 2024. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE 4. Approval of Lot Lease for New Hangar – Steve Allen, Lot Number 21 – Mat Klatt, KlattAero MOVED by Ald. Hagen, SECONDED by Ald. Dykstra, Council APPROVES Lot Lease for New Hangar – Steve Allen, Lot Number 21. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Hagen, Olson, Veleker, Mayou, Peterson, Dykstra, Martin, Nagel, Halverson and Purchatzke, voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 5. Wisconsin Public Service Easement at Waupaca International Airport – Justin Berrens, Director of Public Works MOVED by Ald. Peterson, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council APPROVES Wisconsin Public Service request for Easement at Waupaca International Airport. ON A CALL OF THE ROLL Ald. Peterson, Hagen, Dykstra, Purchatzke, Halverson, Veleker, Martin, Mayou, Olson and Nagel, voted aye, 0 nay, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A ROLL CALL VOTE. 6. License Report No. 1687 Operator Licenses – Barb Nowak, City Clerk MOVED by Ald. Veleker, SECONDED by Ald. Hagen, Council APPROVES License Report No. 1687 – Operator Licenses. 10 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. D. ISSUES/PROJECT DISCUSSION (30 MINUTE MAXIMUM) – NO ACTION REQUIRED E. COMMUNICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MAYOR F. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Ald. Hagen, SECONDED by Ald. Olson, Council ADJOURNS until the next Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday September 3, 2024, subject to call. 10 ayes, 0 nays, .0 absent. MOTION CARRIED ON A VOICE VOTE. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6:20 P.M. Mayor Brian Smith Audio of all Council meetings can be found on the City of Waupaca website: bn Publish Sept. 26, 2024 WNAXLP
MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL COMMON COUNCIL MEETING COMMITTEE September 4, 2024 Immediately following the Capital Equipment & Projects Committee Meeting Council Chambers, Municipal Building An open, special meeting of the City of New London Common Council was convened by Mayor Mark Herter on September 4, 2024 at 6:54PM in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 215 N. Shawano St. in New London. PRESIDING: Mayor Mark Herter COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: John Hass, John Faucher, Charlene Magolski, Dave Dorsey, Bernie Ritchie, Bob Besaw, Dennis Herter, BaLynda Croy, Mike Barrington, Tim Roberts (10 voting) MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Judy Radke, Finance Director Chad Hoerth, City Administrator VISITORS: None Meeting was called to order and roll call was taken. Dorsey / Barrington to approve of $6,690.00 of Capital Equipment & Projects funds to Johnson Controls for HVAC software upgrades. Carried 10-0. Faucher / Besaw to approve United HealthCare with two HSA Open Access plans for employees to choose from for the October 1, 2024- September 30, 2025 Plan Year and continue coverage with Delta Vision and Dental as insurance carriers effective October 1, 2024. Carried 10-0. There being no other business Croy/ Roberts to adjourn. Carried 10-0. The meeting adjourned 6:59PM. Nicole Ryerson City Clerk Publish Sept. 26, 2024 WNAXLP
PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF WEYAUWEGA MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024 The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council of the City of Weyauwega was called to order at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, June 17, 2024 in the Weyauwega Municipal Building Council Chambers by Mayor Rich Luedke. Roll Call : Present: Mayor Rich Luedke, Chris Gunderson, Shani Appleby, Austin Baehnman, Meta Berg and Pat Gorchals. Not present: Cameron Looker. Also present: Administrator Marcus Rennicke, Clerk Rebecca Loehrke, Police Chief Brandon Leschke, Treasurer Trina Herbst-Gutche, Frank Zaboj, Mary Jane Baehman, Tim Potratz, Trisha Robinson, and Mary Keehn. The meeting began with the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance led by Pat Gorchals. Motion Gunderson, second Appleby, to approve the agenda. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gorchals, second Gunderson, to approve the minutes of the Regular Common Council Meeting from May 20, 2024. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Citizen Appearances: Mary Keehn – Candidate for Register of Deeds introduced herself to the Council. Frank Zaboj, Library Representative, reported that they are wrapping up the library addition project. Mary Jane Baehman, Historical Society Representative, reported that Horse & Buggy Days is moving forward. Tim Potratz, Swim Lake Director, reported on how the swim lake is going since it opened on June 5th. Looking to replace one of the pieces of equipment due to being a hazard when someone has a lifejacket on. Berg reported that she would like to see that piece of equipment removed immediately for liability reasons while we work with the company to replace it. Motion Gorchals, second Gunderson, to remove the inflatable that is causing issues immediately. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Public Works Committee: Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to approve Resolution #662 – 2023 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to approve the quote from PJ Kortens for ORP probe project at WWTP for $8,940.92. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to approve quote from Altronex for Industrial Park West Lift Station for $4,454. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to approve quote from Master Electrical Services to finish project at the Industrial Park East Lift Station. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to spend $1,381.75 to purchase barricades and cones with an additional $500 coming from safety grant. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays. Motion Baehnman, second Gunderson, to add Superintendent titles to Public Works Staff. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays. Finance Committee: Motion Appleby, second Berg, to approve a $500 sponsorship to the Waupaca County Fair and donate the use of the cemetery parking lot for 2024. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Appleby, second Berg, to approve checks dated 05/01/2024 through 05/31/2024 totaling $173,579.71 and the monthly financial statements. A roll call vote was taken with “ayes” from Appleby, Baehnman, Gunderson, Gorchals and Berg; “nays” none. Police, Fire, & Ambulance Committee: No Action for Council Public Health & Relief (Ordinance) Committee: No Action for Council Recreation Committee: Motion Gunderson, second Baehnman, to move forward with the allocation of AARP funds to establish a dog park. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Public Property & Purchasing Committee: No Action for Council Plan Commission: No Action for Council New Business: Council reviewed the options brought forward from Attorney Kalny on the transfer of Oakwood Cemetery. The City needs to make sure we follow all the procedures to do the transfer correctly. Option #2 of accepting the transfer documents upon receipt of certification that the Cemetery Association is valid, operating in compliance with the law and legally able to transfer the documents is the option that Council would like to follow. Motion Gorchals, second Appleby, to approve option #2 as presented in the packet from Attorney Kalny. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. The City has assumed responsibility to pay the cemetery bills so that it will continue to operate while the transfer to the City is taking place. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals, to approve the street use permit application for Picklebellies Pub for Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals, to approve a “Class A” Combination Liquor and Malt Beverage Retailer’s License for Weyauwega Cheese Store LLC dba Weyauwega Star Dairy; Outagamie Co-op Services Inc dba Weyauwega Travel Plaza-Citgo; US Limited Liability Company dba Weyauwega BP. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals, to approve a “Class B” Combination Liquor and Malt Beverage Retailer’s License for Haufschildt & Haufschildt dba Haufschildts Brew Haus; Picklebellies Pub & Grill LLC; Weyauwega Arts Organization Inc dba Wega Arts; JS Entertainment LLC dba Wilson’s Brickhouse; JD’s Café and T’s Corner Bar LLC. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals, to approve a Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer’s License to Depot Street Stations LLC dba Weyauwega Amoco. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals, to approve Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retail Licenses to Depot Street Station LLC dba Weyauwega Amoco; The Healing Hauz LLC dba Nature’s CannaBliss; JS Entertainment LLC dba Wilsons’s Brickhouse; US Limited Liability Company dba Weyauwega BP; Outagamie Co-op Services Inc dba Weyauwega Travel Plaza-Citgo; T’s Corner Bar. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Baehnman, to approve the following Operator Licenses: Gerard Knaus, Julia Wohlt, Heather Pribbernow, DeAnna Volz for local organizations; Colleen Seng, Yvonne Clemins, Sarah Baxter, Sandra Samp, Cammie Haire, Aaron Fassbender, Rachael Walker and Donald Manke Jr for T’s Corner Bar; Casey Krueger, Rory Koch, Mikyla Reeck and Kristen Gehring for Picklebellies; Danyelle Domrzalski, Daniel Domrzalski and Donnie Donrzalski for JD’s Café; Logan Haufschildt, Kelly Loehrke, Rosanna Lanting, Kristopher Prahl, Linnea Ingalls, Kandace Prahl, Alicia Paeth, Heather Gilbertson, Amanda Haufschildt, Jean Loehrke, Jeff Loehrke, Samuel Baumgart, Holly Wasrud, Kenneth Bentzler III, JanaLee Bodoh for Haufschildt’s Brew Haus; Shannon Prinsen, Carrie Bentle, Nick Schneiderwendt, Jered Wilson, Brett Oehlke for Wilson’s Brickhouse; Samantha Warren, Andrew Amundson, Anna Brazil, Rita Andersen for Weyauwega Amoco; Mary VanCuyk, Ashley Lind, Michael Blanchette, Kaylee Gray, Megan Schumacher, Cammie Haire, Rose Haertl, Eli AuBuchon, Shirlie Kempf for Weyauwega Travel Plaza-Citgo; Ian Teal, Katharine Fehl for Weyauwega Arts Organization; Nancy Robbert, Angelica Patino Luna, Lisa Ramsey, Julie Fronczak, Karla Reetz, Carinne Chase, Brenda Chase, Paola Patino, Vicki Steege, Ashlynn Voelker for Weyauwega Cheese Store LLC; and Iris Gehrke, Marianne Konertz and Rajan Panthi for Weyauwega BP. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Reports were given by the Mayor, Administrator and Police Chief. Such Other Matters as Authorized by Law: Appleby noted that she had a very interesting conversation with the Wild Rose Fire Chief and will be bringing some information forward to Gorchals for discussion at the Fire District Meetings. Motion Gunderson, second Gorchals to move into Closed Session at 7:24 pm pursuant to 19.85(1)(c) Wis. Stats., in consideration of employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any city employee who is subject to the jurisdiction or authority of the council. The reason for the closed session is Administrator goals and Public Works wages. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Appleby, second Baehnman, to move back into open session at 8:40 pm. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Gunderson, second Appleby, to approve a pay raise to $24.25 for Carson Faulkner and add the title of Street Superintendent to Carson Faulkner and Water Superintendent to Michael Lee. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Motion Appleby, second Baehnman, to adjourn at 8:47 pm. Motion carried with five “ayes”, zero “nays”. Rebecca Loehrke – City Clerk City Clerk Publish Sept. 26, 2024 WNAXLP
School District of Horicon Board of Education Meeting August 19, 2024 6:00 p.m. Horicon School Board Room – Room 407 Board of Education meeting called to order by President Strieff at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Grigg, second by Hodgson to approve the August 19, 2024 BOE agenda as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Vincent to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2024 BOE meeting as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Citizen’s Comments or Personal Appearances – Nichol Haendel made a presentation regarding a fundraiser. Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to approve the Fund 10, 21, 27, 38, 39, 49, 50, 73, and 80 vouchers in the amount of $590,720.24 [Check #33092 to Check #33175 and Check #51459 to Check #51471]. Roll call vote: Ayes-[Hodgson, Westimayer, Grigg, Strieff, Bischoff, Nicolaus, Vincent] Nays-[None]. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Nicolaus to approve the Fund 60 Activity Account as presented. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Resignations INFORMATIONAL ONLY – Jayme Schwoch, Elementary Aide effective 8-7-2024. Keya Schmitt, Cleaner, effective 9/5/24. Employment INFORMATIONAL ONLY – Jessica Leone (rehire), MS Aide, effective for the 2024-25 school year. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Hodgson to hire Casey Kuehn as a daily LTS (Long Term Sub) effective at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year through mid-November, then he will be assigned as the LTS for MS/HS Agriculture Education until mid-February 2025. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Grigg to hire Sharon Voit as a part-time 57% FTE Middle School Interventionist for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Vincent to hire Megan Bykowski as a 4K Teacher effective for the 2024-25 school year. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Retirements - None Motion by Grigg, second by Nicolaus to approve the FFA overnight field trips for 2024-25 as presented [Attachment 2024-35]. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Vincent to approve the updated 2024-25 Co-Curricular Coaches list as presented [Attachment 2024-36]. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Bischoff, second by Westimayer to approve the 2024-25 Preliminary Budget as presented by Administration [Attachment 2024-37]. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Vincent to approve the 2024-25 Kiel Area School District 66.03 Agreement as presented [Attachment 2024-38]. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Nicolaus, second by Hodgson to approve the 2024-25 Boys Swimming & Diving Co-op renewal with the Beaver Dam School District. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Westimayer, second by Vincent to approve a 2024-25 Girls Swimming & Diving Agreement with the Beaver Dam School District. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Motion by Hodgson, second by Bischoff to approve the WIAA Football Co-op Renewal with Hustisford for 2026 & 2027. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Discussion Items: District Retreat-August 22 and Welcome Back Breakfast – August 26 President/Administration/ Student Reports: Appel Committee Reports: Facilities and Finance Motion by Grigg, second by Westimayer to adjourn at 6:33p.m. Voice vote 7-0. Motion carried. Approved September 16, 2024 Meredith Strieff, Board President WNAXLP DCP 9/26


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